all postcodes in PR9 / SOUTHPORT

find any address or company within the PR9 postcode district

Postcode Area

PR / Preston

Postcode District


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Postcode Residential Businesses Locality Latitude Longitude
PR9 8AA 2 1 53.632421 -2.942772
PR9 8AB 5 2 53.63389 -2.948022
PR9 8AD 4 0 53.637763 -2.93353
PR9 8AE 9 0 53.652244 -2.948269
PR9 8AF 8 0 53.652284 -2.939584
PR9 8AG 1 0 53.65463 -2.923614
PR9 8AH 2 0 53.653618 -2.908778
PR9 8AJ 1 0 53.638957 -2.889662
PR9 8AL 37 0 53.675492 -2.929444
PR9 8AN 1 0 53.629406 -2.907487
PR9 8AP 2 0 53.675833 -2.934991
PR9 8AQ 2 0 53.651469 -2.928718
PR9 8AR 39 0 53.675389 -2.932288
PR9 8AS 25 0 53.675935 -2.929166
PR9 8AT 16 0 53.676155 -2.933244
PR9 8AU 22 0 53.676199 -2.932245
PR9 8AW 3 0 53.635446 -2.91465
PR9 8AX 29 0 53.676287 -2.931294
PR9 8AY 5 0 53.676992 -2.930764
PR9 8AZ 10 0 53.67634 -2.93028